Thursday, September 23, 2010

I don't want to turn this blog into a freak show, but this is too good to pass up:

A carved wooden French horn:

The inquiring minds want to know - how does it play? The maker speaks:
not very good to tell you the truth. It marginally worked, and the valves do register different notes. As I build more instruments and experiment with different woods, I imagine I will eventually discover a combination that makes it sound better. But just refining my technique so I can build them with thinner tubes makes a big difference on sound.
He also made a semi-playable wooden trombone and plans for a tuba and a trumpet.

Now, a real instrument - a borosilicate glass trombone:

When the saints... on the glass trombone. He say, that the glasstrombone is difficult to play and takes a lot of air - sounds good though!

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